
useScroll is used to create scroll-linked animations, like progress indicators and parallax effects.

const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll()
<Motion :style="{ scaleX: scrollYProgress }" />


import { useScroll } from 'motion-v'

useScroll returns four motion values:

  • scrollX/Y: The absolute scroll position, in pixels.
  • scrollXProgress/YProgress: The scroll position between the defined offsets, as a value between 0 and 1.

Page scroll

By default, useScroll tracks the page scroll.

const { scrollY } = useScroll()

useMotionValue(scrollY, 'change', (latest) => {
  console.log('Page scroll: ', latest)

For example, we could show a page scroll indicator by passing scrollYProgress straight to the scaleX style of a progress bar.

As useScroll returns motion values, we can compose this scroll info with other motion value hooks like useTransform and useSpring:
